Hosting Ireland supports ‘Safer Internet Day 2016…’

At Hosting Ireland the Internet is at the heart of our business and this is the same for all of our customers. However, unfortunately a few spoil this great world wide tool that we are all so dependent upon.

There are some really great initiative trying to make the Internet a safer place and today is ‘Safe Internet Day 2016’ and everyone involved in the Internet who wants to try and make the Internet safer is trying to build the awareness that we can really do this and make the Internet safer for both our customers, consumers, the younger generation, in fact everyone!
SID 2016 logo

One of the initiatives that we have backed for several years is which facilitates the ability to report illegal content. This initiative is supported by INHOPE (the International Network of Internet Hotlines) and they’ve produced a short video in support of a safe Internet explaining what we can do to make a difference…

The ISPAI (Internet Service Provider Association Ireland) of which we are a member have been a significant sponsor of both the Hotline and ‘Safer Internet Day’.

In addition, the ISPAI have partnered with Webwise who have launched a new resource “Lockers” for schools on the topic of sexting. It is aimed to assists schools in coping with and preventing the sharing of explicit self-generated images of minors. “Lockers” is the first Irish education resource of its kind to tackle the sensitive subject of sexting. More info at Lockers

Our wish is that everyone in the industry gets behind this initiative and increase the awareness that we can make the Internet safer!

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