News'Internationalised Domain Names' are Here!

‘Internationalised Domain Names’ are Here!

General Availability – OPEN from Thursday 17th November 2017
This is the final phase of IDN release and internationalised .ie domains will be released on a “First Come First Served” basis, as per normal registration procedures within the IEDR.

All applicants must satisfy the IEDR Registration and Naming Policy.

There is no premium price for IDN’s all pricing is a standard .ie domains.

How do I get an IDN

How Do IDN’s Work…

How do IDNS work

Landrush Phase – CLOSED
Landrush will launch on 18 October 2016, running for 30 days and ending on 16 November 2016.
Registration Criteria
During this phase, only applications from certain existing .ie registrants will be allowed.

This is to ensure that those who previously registered domains in the Irish language, but without the correct inclusion of the fada, can have the chance to get the corrected spelling of their domain.

For example, the registrant of, can apply for fó during this phase.

If you are the existing registrant of a .ie domain that is missing the fada character, please ensure you apply during this phase.

Otherwise, any remaining IDNs will be made available on first come, first served basis to anyone who meets our standard registration criteria, during the final phase of release.

Sunrise Phase – CLOSED
During this phase, eligible trademark holders can apply for the IDN which reflects their protected mark.

Holders of the following trademarks are invited to apply under this phase:
Irish trademarks,
European Community trademarks,
International trademarks designating Ireland,
UK trademarks held by a company where the registered trademark holder’s address is in the Island of Ireland according solely to the trademark database.
All rights must have been obtained prior to 30 July 2014.
NOTE: All applicants will be required to provide a scanned copy of their trademark certificate/trademark number, which will be verified by the IEDR’s Registrations Department.

Every applicant must hold rights to exactly the same name as the domain name that they wish to register. The domain name applied for must be identical to all text or word elements contained in the eligible trademark. The recorded name of the trademark must be an identical match to the reported name, as long as the name of the Trademark includes letters, words, numerals, keyboard signs, and punctuation marks (“Characters”) that are:
Clearly separable or distinguishable from the device element
All predominant characters are included in the Trademark Record submitted in the Sunrise application in the same order they appear in the mark.,
A domain name containing a plural version of the mark is not considered to be an identical match, and such a mark will not be considered eligible during Sunrise.

In the event that there is any doubt about the order or eligibility of the trademark, the decision will be allocated to external specialists with thorough knowledge of both national and regional Trademark law.

If the Trademark Holder’s registered mark includes one or more spaces between letters, the spaces should be removed.

If the Trademark Holder’s registered mark includes a special character (such as -, @, !, §, %, ^, © or &), these characters should be omitted.
If the Trademark Holder’s registered mark is “fáilte”, then the domain name string that is applicable must be “fá” for it to be deemed an identical
If the Trademark Holder’s registered mark is “á&é”, the “&” is deemed a special character that cannot be represented in a domain name string. As such, it will be omitted, and the domain name that would be considered as applicable could be “áé.ie”.
Contested Applications
If multiple, eligible applicants apply for the same IDN during Sunrise, an auction will be used to determine who will be awarded the right to use it.

Applicants for any IDNs progressing to auction will be notified of the relevant details once the application phase has ended.
Go Live
Please note that domains registered during the Sunrise and Landrush phases will go live between 2 November and 15 November 2016.